Gene Knockout • CRISPR Knockout

Can't find a ready-to-go stable knockout cell line for your assay? Reach out to our team for custom CRISPR knockout service.

CRISPR Gene Knockout Service

CRISPR, a breakthrough gene-editing tool inspired by bacterial defense mechanisms. Bacteria use CRISPR guide sequences (sgRNA) to detect and defend against viruses by storing their DNA fragments. When a virus or complementary DNA is detected, the Cas9 nuclease is activated to cleave and degrade the invading DNA. By harnessing CRISPR, researchers can introduce a sgRNA specific to the gene of interest, allowing them to create CRISPR knockout cell lines or generate CRISPR knock-in mutations. These cell lines play a crucial role in understanding how genes influence cellular processes and disease pathways, thereby aiding in the discovery of new treatment strategies and drug targets.

At Acres Biosciences, we excel in crafting tailored CRISPR knockout cell lines. Leveraging advanced technologies and seasoned expertise, we streamline your research process while amplifying its impact.

Customization Options: Cell pool or Single Clone
Cell Types: Any cell types, including both immortal cell line and primary cell line
Deliverables: One knockout cell pool or two CRISPR knockout cell lines
Validation Method: Sequencing or Western Blot
Timeline: 3-6 weeks (cell pool), 9-15 weeks (cell clone)

Customization Options: Cell pool or Single Clone
Cell Types: Any cell types, including both immortal cell line and primary cell line
Deliverables: One knockout cell pool or two CRISPR knockout cell lines
Validation Method: Sequencing or Western Blot
Timeline: 8-11 weeks (cell pool), 16-24 weeks (cell clone)

Customization Options: Cell pool or Single Clone
Cell Types: Any cell types, including both immortal cell line and primary cell line
Deliverables: One deletion cell pool/full-allelic deletion cell line
Validation Method: Sequencing or Western Blot
Timeline: 13-23 weeks (cell clone)

A case study: CRISPR Knockout Cell Lines

Customer Requirements: To Generate a CRISPR Knockout Cell Line

AcresBioSciences' experimental workflow showcasing CRISPR knockout techniques in stable cell line engineering services for robust assay development

Figure Legend: Generation and Validation of the CRISPR knockout cell line. 

Panel A: Workflow for CRISPR Cas9 knockout cell line generation: (1) constructing CRISPR knockout plasmids containing the specific sgRNA and Cas9 nuclease for targeting the gene of interest, (2) packaging these constructs into lentiviruses, (3) transfecting target cells with the lentivirus, (4) applying antibiotic selection to ensure only successfully transfected cells survive, forming a cell pool, and (5) using limited dilution to isolate and select single clones. 

Panel B: CRISPR knockout validation in both pooled and single clones using Western Blot analysis.

Resources: CRISPR Gene Knockout

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AcresBiosciences: Scientist responding to customer inquiries about cell line engineering and assay services